Laboratory and Equipments

Electronics Laboratory
The Electronics Laboratory comprises of the following equipments; Oscilloscope, Combiscope (Analog Digital Scope), Digital storage Oscilloscope, Function Generator, Function-Pulse Generator with Frequency, counterDC Power Supply, DC Power Supply, Feedback Power Supply, Feedback Teknikit Console Power Supply, Voltage Slide Regulator, Project Board, Logic Circuit Ex. Board, Electromagnetism Trainer, Logic Tutor Ex. Board, Basic Elect. & Elect. application Ex. Board, Electrical & Electronics Constructor and many other equipments. 300 Level students use this labortory for their practicals

Applied Electricity Laboratory
The Applied Electronics Laboratory comprises of the folllowing equipments; Oscilloscope Protex, Oscilloscope Texio, Function Generator, DC Power Supply, Benchtop Digital Multi-meter, Rapid Digital Multi-meter, Digital Multimeter, Basic Elect. & Electronics Cct. App. Ex. Board A, Basic Elect. & Elect. application Ex. Board B, Teknikit Console, Electronic System Lab. 200 Level Engineering Students use this labortory for their practicals

Microprocessor Laboratory
The Microprocessor Laboratory comprises of the folllowing equipments; HP Computer System, PC Computer Trainer, Wavetek Function Gen., Feedback Function Gen., Gwinstek Function Gen., Analog Digital Scope, Bench Multimeter, System Storage Rack (Inside the storage rack we have; Digital System & Computing Module), 16F877 Target Board, (Pl-Dats) Pld Trainer, 8086-Dats Trainer System, Applications Board, 68HCII Trainer System, 80C51 Trainer System, 68000 Trainer System, Cross-Assembler, PC Applications Training System (PCI), 8051 Micro Trainer System, 68000 Micro Trainer System, Micro Training System, Electric Hand Drilling, Machine (Bosch), Micro Engineering Labs Module, Computer Accessories, Arduino Uno R3 Kits. This Laboratory is used by Computer Engineering Students.

Electrical Power and Machines Laboratory
The Electrical Power and Machines Laboratory Laboratory comprises of the folllowing equipments; Motor control circuit board, Firing and Bridge circuit board, SCR and Diode board, Three phase power supply, Inductive Load, Switched capacitive Load, Moving iron voltmeter and Ammeter, Universal lead bin, Oscilloscope 20Mhz, Three phase Resistive load, Three phase transformers, Variable Resistance 200 Ohms, Resistor/Capacitor unit, Single phase transformer, D.C voltmeter and Ammeter, D.C mill-ammeter center zero, Three phase power supply, Single and Three phase measurement, Variable ac/dc supply, Synchronizing lamp, Control Switches, Magnetic and Electromagnetic principle, Variable frequency Drive, AC voltmeter and Ammeter, DC motor controller, Rectifier Voltmeter and Ammeter, AC voltmeter and frequency meter, Contactor panel, Electronics wattmeter, 6kw, 3phase wattmeter (5/10A), Digital clamp meter. This Laboratory is dominated by electrical and electronics engineering students

High Voltage Laboratory
The High Voltage Laboratory Laboratory is dominated by Electrical Engineering Students. Practical involving HVDC, insulation breakdown test, etc is carried out in this laboratory. 500 Level Electrical and Electronics students use this Laboratory

Renewable Energy Laboratory
The Renewable Energy Laboratory Laboratory comprises of the following equipment; 10W Fuel cell Experiment Apparatus, Photovoltaic Solar Energy Unit, Educational wind Turbine.

Control and Instrumentation (+ Embedded System) Laboratory
The Control and Instrumentation (+ Embedded System) Laboratory comprises of the following equipment; Sensor and Transducer Training Kits, Servo Fundamental Trainer, Analogue Servo fundamentals trainer, Target board with accessories, Function generator, Oscilloscope, Instrumentation Module, Industrial Process Trainer, Twin Rotor MIMO System, Magnetic Levitation System, Digital Pendulum System, Complete Transducer Accessories, Mechatronics System, Computer System, Traffic Signal Control Module, Automatic Washing Machine Module, Mentor Desktop Robot, 30KVA UPS System.

Transmission Line Laboratory
The Transmission Line Laboratory comprises of the following equipment; Transmission Line educator, Variable Phase LF Generator, Ctl modicom1 “signal sampling and reconstruction module”, 02 modicom2 “Time Division Multiplexer PAM module”, CT3/1 and CT3/2 modicom3 “Pulse Code modulation Transmitter/Receiver system”, CT4 Modicom4 “Detta modulation module”, CT5/1 and CT5/2 modicom5 “Delta conditioning and carrier modulation system”, CT7 Audio input module, CT8 Audio output module, CT20 Anacom1/1 and v2 Analogue communication module, CT21 Anacom2 “Introductory Analogue communication module. Information Communication Engineering students use this laboratory for their practicals.

Intermediate Network Laboratory
The Intermediate Network Laboratory comprises of the following equipment; DC 3000 Virtual Instrument Platform, DC 3000 9.0 Experimental PCB, D 3000 21.1 AM communication PCB, D 3000 21.2 Superhet receiver PCB, D 3000 21.4 Digital communication PCB, D 3000 21.5 PAM PCB, D 3000 21.8 PCM PCB, Modulation and coding principle, TDC & PCM Principle MK2, PCM and Link analysis53-170, Tuned circuit and filters, Digital Data formatting, Amplifiers and Oscillators.

Digital System and Prototyping (Printed Circuit Board) Laboratory
The Digital System and Prototyping Laboratory comprises of the following equipment; Digital Oscilloscope, Project Board, Logic Circuit 12, Logic Tutor Ex. Board LT345 MK2, PCB Plotter Machine, Exposure Unit, LPKF PROTOFLOW Machine, LPKF PROTOPLACE Machine, LPKF MINI CONTAC RS Machine, Laminating Machine, Paper Cutter, WorxPlex Drilling Machine.

Computation (Software Engineering) Laboratory
The Computation Laboratory consiting of 20 Laptop/Destop unit is used by students for simulation. Softwares installed on the systems includes but not limited to MATLAB R2021A, Visual Studio, MultiSim, Arduino IDE, Intel/Altera Quartus II V15.0 service pack1, Java V7.